The Peacemaker
I got the very interesting task the other day to make 2 cats that hate each other make peace. I have actually had this task before in my life and it worked that time, so of course I have started to think of myself as "the animal peacemaker" (would be a great show on Animal Planet :)) Anyways the ritual started with the clipping of toenails, which is a very crusial part of the peacemaking process. Then the cats were put in the bathtub together (no water) and prevented to get out (any confined space will do). The idea was that eventually they would give up the grudges and make peace, and in the case of a cat fight nobody would actually get injured. The outcome on the other hand was not that they actually made any peace, they just hissed at each other for about an hour, they also realized that we were not allowing them to go anywhere so needless to try that. Eventually they both decided that no point in doing anything at all and closed there eyes and pretended to sleep. In that mode still every sound would produce a hiss from either of them and when one hissed the other one hissed too. This is still a work in progress and a few more "sessions" are needed for progress to show or for the whole thing to be deemed a lost cause.
I must admit the peacemaking ceremony went well, they are getting along better now. There isn´t love in the air but now they both hate each other not just one cat wanting to kill the other. Thanks.
When I read the headline I thought you were going to talk about a heart diseases...
I got quite confused about the cat story while I realized you were talking about a peace making thing not the heart machine. LOL
good try though with the cats :)
I think the heart one is called a pacemaker ;)
Yeah, I know! That's why the story about the cats was so funny! LOL
When I read the headline it confused me as it misleads to the "heart machine"
Hm, never mind, probably just mine kind of humor. I was probably too blurry in my explanation ;)
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